■ Hello School 英語 (ハロ英 Ver.2) Lesson 9 現在進行形 練習問題 解答  ■
1. (1) She is making cookies at home.
(2) He isn't reading a newspaper.
(3) He watches TV.
(4) What is he washing?
(5) Who is running in the park?
2. (1) She is sitting now.
(2) He is not making the box.
(3) Who is sleeping on the bed?
(4) She goes to a cooking school every Sunday.
(5) What time is it in Tokyo now?
3. (1) He is not using the tool now.
(2) She cann't speak English.
(3) He is very free.
(4) I have a white cat.
(5) Haromi is not looking for a dictionary now.
   (look for 〜で、〜をさがす)
4. (1) I am running now but I can talk with you.
(2) She is very busy and she is studying now.
ハロ英 Ver.2 の目次  英語のページ