Sukuo |
What time is it now?
It's three thirty in the evening.
Is anything the matter?
I go to the planetarium with my family today.
It is rainy but we can see a lot of stars.
It's very beatiful.
What time do you leave here?
I leave here at sixteen o'clock and go there
at eighteen.
I see. I am busy too. I take piano lessons.
When do you take piano lessons?
What time do you take them?
I take them Wednesday and Saturday.
At four twenty in the evening.
Haromi |
■単語・熟語 What time 〜? 何時に、いつ?
time 時刻、時間
thirty 30
evening 夕方、午後
anything (疑問文で)何か
Is anything the matter? どうかしたの?
planetarium プラネタリウム
family 家族
rainy 雨降りの
star(s) 星 人気者
beatiful 美しい、きれい
leave 離れる、去る、出発する
sixteen 16
o'clock 時(of the clockの略)
eighteen 18
busy 忙しい
take 通う
piano ピアノ
lessom(s) レッスン
Wednesday 水曜日
Saturday 土曜日
four 4
twenty 20
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