■ Hello School 英語 練習問題(ハロ英) Lesson 20 関係副詞  ■

 (1) I remember the house. I first met her there.
     I remember the house[        ] I first met her.

 (2) That is Hello School. We study English there.
     That is Hello School[        ]we study English there.

 (3) Yesterday was the day. I played tennis with classmate then.
     Yesterday was the day[        ] I played tennis with classmate then.

 (4) This is the reason. I was late for school.
     This is the reason[        ] I was late for school.

 (5) This is the way. You can answer the question in the way.
     This is the way [        ] you can answer the question.

2.次の各文で、文法上正しくなるよう[  ]の中から適切な単語を選びなさい。(6点×5問=30点)

 (1) The day [ which / when / why ] he started to learn English.

 (2) This is the building [ which / where / when ] is built by famous engineer.

 (3) This is the way [ in which / when / where ] he could learn English.

 (4) July 5 is a day [ on which / why / where ] we enjoyed playing soccer at Hello School.

 (5) He has the book [ which / how / where ] she bought at the shop last week.


 (1) 彼女は好きな人であれば誰でも話をします。
    talks / whom / she / likes / she / whomever / whoever

 (2) 欲しいものであればどれでも買っていいです。
    buy / whichever / all / want / you / may / you / whatever

 (3) どんなことが起きても我慢しなさない。
    endure / how / be / happens / no / what / when / matter

 (4) どこへ行ってもその本を持っています。
    I / the / where / no / have / with / go / matter / I / book / having

 (5) 彼女は行きたいところはどこでも自分の犬を連れて行きます。
    place / takes / to / she / where / her / and / wants / she / to / any / dog / with / go


 (1) このようにして彼女は問題を解決した。

 (2) 教室に行くと、誰もいなかった。

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