■ Hello School 英語 練習問題(ハロ英) Lesson 12 不定詞・動名詞  ■

 (1) 私はテニスをするのが好きです。
    tennis / plays / I / to / playing / like

 (2) 彼女はその時走っていました。
    she / at / to / running / that / was / time / run

 (3) 彼に会いにそこに行きましたか?
    him / went / there / you / to / did / seeing / go / see / ?

 (4) 英語を学ぶことはとても困難です。
    English / to / very / learning / hard / is / hards

 (5) 彼は居間で本を読むことができましたか?
    the / read / to / could / in / live / room / he / living / book / ?


 (1) 彼女は本を読むことを止めました。
    the / read / she / stopped / book / to / reading / stopping

 (2) 近いうちに彼らと話すことを望んでいます。
    hope / with / we / talking / about / them / talk / to / soon

 (3) 彼らはテニスをして楽しんでいます。
    are / tennis / to / they / play / enjoying / playing

 (4) 彼はこの学校に合格することを決心しました。
    this / decided / passing / school / pass / he / to / exam

 (5) 彼女は宿題をやり終えました。
    finished / her / do / to / homework / doing / she


 (1) He likes to play tennis.
     ア.She was happy to hear the news.
     イ.I have a lot of things to do.
     ウ.I decided to be a writer at that time.

 (2) She want the book to study. 
     ア.It's time to get up.
     イ.She stopped to see the man.
     ウ.I'm sorry to be late.

 (3) I want to be a teacher.
     ア.He went to the station to see her.
     イ.I want something to drink.
     ウ.Do you like to study English ?

 (4) He was tired to run hard.
     ア.My sister runs to be health every day.
     イ.To run is important for you.
     ウ.I'm glad to see you.

 (5) Jiro was the fiist boy to answer the question.
     ア.She was sad to miss the game.
     イ.He is the only student to speak French in our class.
     ウ.He had to answer the question.


 (1) 彼は今、彼女とドライブするために車を洗っています。

 (2) 彼女の夢は歌手になることです。

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